Thank You Letter While Leaving a Company

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February 6, 2012

Staff Members,

Caffman Electronics


1234, Main Street,


Boston, MA 02123

Dear All,

Hello everyone, this is to bring to the notice of everyone that after serious analyzing and thinking, I have come to the conclusion to leave this company. This company has indeed taught me so many things and I got a chance to work with such learned colleagues like you. I am writing this letter to all of you for being so supportive always. I will surely miss you all.
As some of you know that I have decided to join Vincent Industries, I have to join there by 15th of this month. It was always my dream to work with this company as my Dad also spent his whole life working with them and now that I have a great offer to make my dream come true, I would like to resign from here and work there. I will handover my work prior to my resignation to the concerned person in my department.

Wish you all great success in future. As always I am just a phone call or mail away, Please do keep in touch.

Thank you again,


Percy Jackson


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1 thought on “Thank You Letter While Leaving a Company”

  1. Dear All,

    Hello everyone, this is to bring to the notice of everyone that after serious analyzing and thinking, I have come to the conclusion to leave this company. This company has indeed taught me so many things and I got a chance to work with such learned colleagues like you. I am writing this letter to all of you for being so supportive always. I will surely miss you all.
    As some of you know that I have decided to join Vincent Industries, I have to join there by 15th of this month. It was always my dream to work with this company as my Dad also spent his whole life working with them and now that I have a great offer to make my dream come true, I would like to resign from here and work there. I will handover my work prior to my resignation to the concerned person in my department.

    Wish you all great success in future. As always I am just a phone call or mail away, Please do keep in touch.

    Thank you again,


    Percy Jackson


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