Write a Compliment Letter to Boss

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Write a Compliment Letter to Boss
Write a Compliment Letter to Boss

It is very common for an employee to receive a performance appraisal letter but have you ever thought about writing a Compliment Letter to your boss for appreciating the efforts and work that they put in to lead a team so well? Here is a sample compliment letter to boss that you may refer to.

Sample Compliment Letter to Boss

Date: July 10, 2022


Mr. Roan Hoover

The Chairman

AYZ Limited

Subject: Compliment letter

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the entire team at AYZ Limited, I write this letter to thank you for everything that you have done for us and the company. It is because of a great leader like you that the company has achieved such great heights and is doing so well.

Thank you for inspiring all of us with your dedication towards work. Being so humble and kind at a position like yours is such a wonderful and inspiring thing to see. It is not very often that we appreciate you, Sir, and we are really sorry for that.

The team has organized a small party for you this Saturday at 6 pm. This is the least that we can do to celebrate you. We hope to have you there Sir.

Once again, a big thank you from the team!


Roger Green

General Manager

AYZ Limited

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