Sample Notice of Violation Letter Format, Example

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notice of violation letter Sample Format
Sample Notice of Violation Letter

When two parties or business enter into an agreement, they sign a contract which is enforceable by law. The inability of one party to carry out the conditions of the contract leads to violation of terms and the contract is broken. A violation letter notice is written to the party which has violated the terms of the contract addressing the problem.

In this post, you can find notice of violation letter samples, violation letter format and sample violation letter. You may use the violation letter template to draft a letter for yourself by changing the details.

Sample Notice of Violation Letter Example

Fly High Technologies

First floor, Stonewall building,

Street no. 21, Manhattan

August 29, 2022

Vigor Smart Tech

3, Soar high towers

Manhattan, New York


This letter serves as a formal notice of your breach of the contract Fly High Technologies and Vigor Smart Tech made on April 7, 2022 to renovate the office by fixing new automated lights and digitalized systems.

The company pledged to finish the job by the first week of June according to the contract. The work has not been completed and was left half-way by your employees. The photographs of the office have been enclosed with this letter which were taken on June 25, 2022.

Please contact me as soon as you receive this notice of violation so that we can set up a time to have the office renovation work finished. If I do not hear from you by July 6, 2022, I shall seek legal options.

Yours sincerely

Sam Scott

The Manager

Fly High Technologies

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