Decline Request to Be Interviewed By Press Letter

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Decline Request to Be Interviewed By Press   [DATE, ex. Saturday, February 4, 2012]   [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Arnold Shaw ABC Co. 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code]   Dear [NAME, ex. Arnold Shaw],   I received your invitation to interview me for [PUBLICATION, ex. Daily Chronicle] to be an honor … Read more

Accept Request To Be Interviewed By Press Letter

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Accept Request To Be Interviewed By Press [DATE, ex. Saturday, February 4, 2012] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Arnold Shaw ABC Co. 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code]   Dear [NAME, ex. Arnold Shaw],   I received your invitation to interview me for [PUBLICATION, ex. Daily Chronicle] to be an honor for me. … Read more