Sample Recommendation Letter for Citizenship Letter

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Citizens Record Dept.
U.S. State Department
New York – 45213


Internal Affairs Dept.
U.S. State Department
New York – 41257

April 12, 2012

Dear Sir,

This is in reference to the citizenship application of Mr. Pablo Torrez, a Mexican national who wants to be a U.S. citizen.

I would like to inform you that Mr. Torrez is of Mexican origin and has been residing in Austin, Texas for the past ten years.

He migrated to the U.S. in 2000 in search of employment and since then, he is living here. Presently, he is working with a social welfare group that is working for Mexicans in Texas.

After ten years of residence, Pablo seeks U.S. citizenship. Our department has verified all the information he provided us and they have been found correct.

For the past ten years, he is residing at –

Apt 11, Joe’s Society
Melinda St, Austin, Texas – 12541

His Mexican passport no. is F41526345H and he does not hold any U.S. identity documents. Please find attached documents along with this letter.

We request you to consider his citizenship application.

Thanking you.


(Name & Sign here with stamp]

Citizens Record Dept.

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