Resignation Letter from a Supervisor Post for Personal Reasons

If you are a supervisor in your company and you wish to resign from your job for personal reasons then you must write a resignation letter to your senior. The Supervisor Resignation Letter is a simple letter which must include the reason for resignation. The Resignation Letter for Personal Reasons must state the issue along … Read more

Letter of Resignation

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Dear This is to inform you that an opportunity has presented itself that will enable me to work in the area of my stated preference, which is (designate)  I am therefore tendering my resignation from your organization and wish to advise you that (date) will be my last day of employment at your office.  I … Read more

Discreet Letter of Resignation

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DISCLOSURE   (Name of credit reporting agency) is a “customer reporting agency” and, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, should report facts and figures in a way that is reasonable and equitable to customers. The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you the full right to have partial or unfinished facts and figures reinvestigated by (name … Read more

Acknowledged Resignation

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ACKNOWLEDGED RESIGNATION   Date: _ To: __:   Please be directed that the undersigned hereby resigns as _, of the corporation effective upon his acceptance on the same. Please acknowledge acceptance of said resignation on behalf of the corporation.   Best Regards, ______________________________ The foregoing has been accepted pursuant to vote of the directors/stockholders of … Read more

Career Change Resignation Letter

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To: Mr. James Parker, H.R. Manager Gomes & Peterson Ltd. Los Angeles, C.A. – 45217 April 05, 2012   Dear Mr. Parker, I regretfully inform you that I want to quit this job and I am submitting my resignation letter for the same. Presently, I am working in the capacity of ‘Store Manager’ in your … Read more