Sample Job vacancy announcement letter

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Mr. Christopher Max

Human Resources Officer

Shine Media Company

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02149-1574

September 20, 2011

Dear employees,

The Human Resources Department wishes to announce that we have vacancies for the following positions with minimum requirements:

Three sales representatives:  A minimum of five years of experience as a sales representative (entry-level applicants are welcome to apply); Graduate of a bachelor’s degree in the field of sales; Excellent communication and inter-personal skills

Two sales managers:  A minimum of ten years as a sales representative and two years as a sales manager; Graduate of a bachelor’s and Master’s degree in the field of sales and management; Excellent communication and inter-personal skills; Must possess the ability to work long hours and weekends if necessary; Willing to take long trips and travel.

Interested applicants should submit their resume and two recommendation letters to the HR Department until next week.  For inquiries, please contact us at (790) 800 6316.

Thank you.


Christopher Max

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