Service Inquiry Request to Send Information Letter

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Service Inquiry Request to Send Information

[Name, Company Name & Address here]


Dear [name],

We are [Company name], a company based in [location], dealing in [business nature]

Presently, we are looking for a firm to – [state your requirements] –

We heard about your firm and want to hire your professional services for our business.

–          [Describe services required in brief] –

So, I would really appreciate if you can send us the information regarding your charges, terms & conditions, and any other information you may deem necessary for our reference.

We request you to please send us the brochures and price lists to our company address. –

–          [ address here] –

Thank you in advance, and look forward to receive the information soon.




[Your name & Designation]


[Company name]

Encl: [Enclosures List here]

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