Job Applicant Employment Verification Form

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The person identified below is being considered for employment here at (name of the company) and has signed a statement authorizing this verification and investigation. We shall appreciate a statement of your opinions and experiences as outlined below. Your reply will be considered confidential. …………………………….. Name of the Applicant …………………………….. Social Security Number …………………………….. Dates … Read more

Job Applicant Education Verification Cover Letter

Dear Steve Smith is being considered for employment in the company and he has agreed to sign the attached statement authorizing your school to release the information requested mentioned below. Therefore I request you to please complete the required information in the form and return it to us in the enclosed envelope before 24 May … Read more

Employers Verification on Loan Applicant

TO: Applicant_____________________ Address_______________________ City__________________________ Loan No.______________________ Escrow No.____________________   Gentlemen:   I have applied for a real estate loan to be made by (Name of Company) Savings and Loan Association.   I will really appreciate your completing the Employer’s Verification below for their confidential use and forwarding it to:   (Name of Company) Savings and … Read more

Decline to Interview Referred Job Applicant

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Dear   Having been away from the office for quite a few days now, I didn’t read your letter of June 28th until today. While I am sure the young man you wrote to me about wouldn’t warrant the recommendation you gave unless he is truly exceptional, I believe it would be unfair to him … Read more