Self Introduction Email to All Employees from New HOD

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The purpose of employee self introduction email is to formally introduce oneself to the other members of the organization. The introduction email helps in establishing a quick connect with other people in the department. This post includes a Sample Self Introduction Email to All Employees from New HOD. The Introduction Email Template shared below makes … Read more

Important Letter Writing Etiquette for Introductory Salutation

Introductory salutation has a very important role to play in every kind of letter writing. It actually sets the ambiance for the rest of the letter. It can make or simply break the effectiveness linked with the sentiment of the letter. You need to consider the kind of relationship you entertain with the recipient. This … Read more

Introduction to Letter Writing Etiquette and Tips

Even letter writing is a form of art. It has to be presented in a certain format obeying certain rules. And when it comes to business communication, first impression counts. Generally business letters are written on 8.5 x 11 sheet plain paper with the company letterhead clearly visible. The address and other contact information are … Read more

Sample Introduction Letter Format Letter

From: Full Name, (Thomas Dale) Designation, (HR Manager) Address (Roswell, NM 224354) Date (24 May 2012 (or) May 24, 2012) Receiver’s Name (with salutation Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr) (Mr. Andrew Symonds) Designation, (General Manager) Company Name (Imedia Technologies) Address (Roswell, NM 224345) Dear (Salutation and Last Name) Dear Mr. Symonds, The first paragraph should have a brief introduction … Read more