Even letter writing is a form of art. It has to be presented in a certain format obeying certain rules. And when it comes to business communication, first impression counts. Generally business letters are written on 8.5 x 11 sheet plain paper with the company letterhead clearly visible. The address and other contact information are also mentioned distinctly. A consistent type size and style is chosen while writing letters. The layout is normally kept justified to the left margin and extra space for new paragraphs. The margin should also be kept balanced and right justification should not be entertained.
Following are the introductory steps to be following as a part of basic letter formatting etiquette.
1. Start your letter with the address of the receiver on the top left corner. It should include the following information on separate lines: Name; Title or position; Company name; Street Address; City, State, Zip Code, and Country
2. Then follows the date on which the letter is sent. Abbreviations are normally avoided. You may use any one style from March 19, 2014 or 19 March 2014. It is written after a space of two to three lines from the address.
3. The next is the subject line. Summarize the objective of the letter in a few words so that the recipient gets an idea of what the letter is about.
4. Basic letter writing protocol urges letter to begin with ‘Dear’ followed by the addressees honorific and last name. For example, ‘Dear Dr. Riddle’. First names sound informal and hence should be avoided in business letters.
5. The next in line is the body text. Mention about the main objective of your letter in not more than three paragraphs separated by two line spaces in between. In the last paragraph express your kind gratitude for the anticipated consideration. Start and conclude all correspondence with cordial sentiments.
6. End salutation normally goes by ‘Sincerely’, ‘Yours Truly’, ‘Best Regards’ etc. for different purposes followed by a comma. They are always kept cordial.
7. Signature lines follows. Mention the name of the sender and sign the letter with the first and last name. For multiple senders, you will require to include a signature line for each sender.
8. If your letter has to be sent with attached Enclosures, Postscripts, and Courtesy Copies, it is normally mentioned two line spaces below the second signature line.
What is most important in letter writing is that it should be devoid of silly mistakes. Errors kill the essence of professionalism and are subjected to high risk of being underestimated. Therefore, whenever in doubt, ask multiple people to review your letter. Plus keep the spell check and grammar check on in your system while writing.
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