Invitation to Attend Lecture No RSVP

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Invitation to Attend Lecture (No RSVP) We would like to cordially invite you to attend the following Lecture Sponsored by [NAME OF SPONSOR]: Date:               [DATE OF LECTURE] Speaker:         [NAME OF SPEAKER] Topic:              [TOPIC OF LECTURE] Location:        [ADDRESS OF LECTURE] Time:              [TIME OF LECTURE] Refreshments will be served at the time of lecture. Invitation to … Read more

Negative Response to Job Application No Openings

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Dear   This is in the reference to your job application. Thank you for sending your recent application for employment with (name of the organization) We regret to inform you that presently there are no openings in our firm at this time. While we know this is disappointing news, we would like to retain your … Read more

Affidavit of No Lien

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AFFIDAVIT OF NO LIEN   STATE OF___________________ COUNTRY OF__________________ Before me, a duly commissioned Notary Public within and for the State and Country aforesaid, personally appeared________ _________who, after being duly sworn as required by law, deposes and says: 1. That he is the ___________________(title) of __________ ________________________________(firm). 2. That_____________________(said firm) is the owner of the … Read more