Response to Information Request Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 18, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, I would like to thank you for your interest in [product or service] I’m attaching the information as you requested and I would be very pleased to answer any queries you have related to it. XYZ Company is here … Read more

Request For Appointment Based on Refferal Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 16, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, [Reference name] mentioned that you were interested in knowing more about our [product or service]. If your business is currently considering [task], I’d like to take this chance of analyzing your requirements and provide you our catalog with all … Read more

Reestablishing Relationship With Former Customer Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, It’s been long time since we’ve had the opportunity to serve you. I would like to update you on what has been happening with XYZ Company since then. [Bring customer up to date on changes.] [Details of new changes … Read more

Received Order Shipped Letter

123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 22, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, Thank you for placing your order [reference to order] of [things ordered]. Your order is being shipped via [shipping company’s name and method]. It should arrive by [expected date of reach]. The total billing amount, [including shipping], will be … Read more

Received Order Incomplete Information Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 24, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, Thank you for placing your order [reference to order] of [items ordered] with our company. We regret to inform you that due to [reason of not completing order] we are unable to process and complete your order at this … Read more

Received Order Back Order Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 24, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, Thank you for placing your order [reference to order] of [items ordered] with our company. We regret to inform you that we will not be able to process the [merchandise/items/products] you ordered. The product you ordered [are/is] not available … Read more

Proposing Meeting to Finalize Transaction Letter

123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, Though we have discussed most of the details of our proposal, but I would still like to meet you [proposed time] to discuss [purpose of meeting] face to face. I will not take much of your time, the meeting … Read more

Proposing a Column Letter

123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 27, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, Without wasting much of your time, I would like to write a regular column on [column subject] for [publication name]. I have [describe writing experience], and I think I could add valuable information to readers in [name your industry]. … Read more