Letter Sample to Refund an Extra Payment Made on Phone Bill

If by mistake you have ended up paying extra money for your phone bill then you can always ask the company to refund you the extra payment that you have made against your phone bill and you can do that just by writing a letter for the same. We have come up with a template … Read more

How to Write a Waiver Request Letter (Sample Formats)

A waiver letter is a kind of formal letter that is written to the party to whom you are supposed to make a certain payment in order to request the party to waive the charges or the limitation which otherwise would apply. Writing a waiver letter is quite simple if you know how to write … Read more

Sample Letter to your Friend about a Holiday Trip

We all love sharing our experiences with our friends and writing an informal letter to a friend about holiday is just one way of doing so. If you have been on a holiday recently and you have been wanting to share it with your friend then you can always write letter to your friend about … Read more

Example of a Requesting letter for Speed Bumps – How to Write

If you wish to control the speeding cars in your area for safety reasons then you can always write a formal Request Letter to Municipal Corporation for Speed Breakers. The application for speed breaker complaint letter is a simple letter that formally submits your application for need of speed bumps in a particular area. We … Read more

Apology Letter to the Principal for Ragging in School

The cases of ragging in schools and colleges have been increasing with an alarming rate. These cases require immediate action to be taken against the defaulters before the matter is taken to the court of law. A student accused of ragging should apologize to the aggrieved student and their family, and the school authorities. An … Read more

Sample Letter to Judge for Guardianship

A Guardianship Letter is a legal and binding document that allows the parents or guardians to transfer the guardianship of a child. The letter gives the rights of a legal guardian of the child to the grandparents or close friends or relatives for the time period mentioned. The letter addressed to the judge for guardianship … Read more