Acknowledgement of Request For Bid Confirmation of Deadline

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Dear   This is in reference to your request for bid on the project. We would like to thank you for placing your request for our bid on (project) This letter is to acknowledge our receipt of said request and to advise you that we will be soon submitting our proposal on or before (confirmation … Read more

Acknowledgement of Merchandise Returned For Repair

AGREEMENT TO COMPROMISE DEBT   FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned being a creditor of _ (Organization) hereby enters into an agreement to compromise and reduce the indebtedness due the undersigned on the following terms and conditions: 1. The Organization and the undersigned acknowledge that the present debt due is $_. 2. The parties agree that … Read more

Collateral Decision Request For Preparation of Loan Documents

Dear   It was a pleasure having the opportunity to meet with you yesterday to discuss the proposed loan on the ____. After reviewing the alternatives you suggested, I believe that it would be best to collateralize this loan with (form of collateral) I am instructing my assistant to prepare a package consisting of all … Read more

Bid For The Purchase of Real Property Probate

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BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY (Probate)   To __________________________As __________________________ of Estate of ____________________________________Deceased   The undersigned hereby offers $_________for the purchase of the property generally known as _________________________and described as: ______________________________________________ ______________________ (description)________________________ on the following terms: $____________________deposit_________________________ _______________ (terms for paying balance) ___________ Rents, taxes, insurance expenses of operation and maintenance … Read more

Apology For Delay of Refund

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Dear   This is in reference to the letter dated (date). After reading your letter of (date), I can thoroughly understand why you are running out of patience.   While it would be easy to place the blame on our computer, this poor fellow has received enough abuse since joining our firm. After all, he … Read more

Apology For Delayed Response Request For Meeting

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Gentlemen:   This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated. We ought to have your merchandise ready to be shipped within next 7 days of the original delivery date and we hope that you can hold off until that time. We … Read more

Apology For Accounting Errors And Past Due Notices

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Dear   You surely deserve an explanation for all what went wrong from our accounting division, and I hope that this letter will answer all your queries and resolve our recent difficulties. I hope you will appreciate the fact that it has taken some time to find out exactly what happened, and, therefore, we request … Read more

Apology And Request For Extension of Time to Deliver Goods

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Dear   This is to inform you that we are in receipt of your notice whereby you mentioned that the goods shipped to you on (date) did not conform to our agreement dated (date). We would like to apologize for this unintentional mistake on our part, the reasons for which were (explanation) While we recognize … Read more